Financial partnership with CEF.
This chapter of CEF is funded entirely by the generous gifts of local churches and individuals. Our contributors are not merely donors, but “fellow workers with the truth” (3 John 8) who faithfully serve Him by their financial means, whose gifts are “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18, ESV). We seek to give fellow brothers and sisters in Christ the opportunity to worship Him through their giving, and we seek the blessing that increases to their credit (Phil. 4:17). Thus, we ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us by becoming a financial partner, for the eternal glory of God and His kingdom.
Ways to give
We offer multiple options for contributing to this ministry. You are welcome to choose whatever option fits your preferences.

Direct by mail
If you prefer to write checks, you may simply address them to “CEF”. Please do not designate funds to specific individuals in the memo line, as the IRS may view this as money laundering.
CEF Mailing address:
CEF, PO Box 154, Bismarck, ND 58502
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Set up your monthly giving by completing an EFT form, which we will provide upon request. EFTs are a fast and convenient way to ensure your gifts will automatically be given on a monthly basis. You can opt out or change your monthly giving level at any time. To receive an EFT form, or to opt out/change your giving level, email Ambria at with your request. Please include “EFT form request” in the subject line.
Online Giving
If you would like to give and donating online is the best option for you go to